A Cycle of Celestial Objects by Admiral William H. SmythのM13

                             2014年9月 日本語訳 舟越 和己

1115.  13 M. HERCULIS.  DLXXXV.

A large cluster, or rather ball of stars, on the left buttock of Hercules, betweenζ andη ; fromη
Herculis it lies S., a little westerly, and 3°1/2 distant. This superb object blazes up in the centre,
and has numerous outliers around its attenuated disc. [Secchi found a field 8' in diameter filled
with stars.] This object was accidentally hit upon by Halley, who says, " This is but a little patch, b
ut it shows itself to the naked when the sky is and the moon absent." 
The same paper, in describing this as the sixth and last of the nebulae known in 1716, wisely admits
that "there are undoubtedly more of these which have not yet come to our knowledge:" ere half
a century had passed, Messier contributed his 80 or 90 in the Catalogue of 103; and before the
close of that century Hershel alone had added to the above 6, no fewer than 2500 ; and his son,
in re-examining these, added 520 more !


In my refractor its appearance was something like the annexed diagram; but I agree with Dr. Nichol,
that no plate can give a fitting representation of this magnificent cluster. It is indeed truly glorious,
and enlarges on the eye by studious gazing. " Perhaps/' adds the Doctor, " no one ever saw it for
the first time through a telescope without uttering a shout of wonder."

 This brilliant cluster was discovered by Halley in 1714; and 50 years afterwards it was examined
by Messier, with his 4 ft Newtonian, under a power of 60, and described as round, beautiful, and
brilliant ; but, " ferret " as he was in these matters, he adds, " Je me suis assurÉ qu'elle ne contient
aucune etoile."
This is rather startling, since the slightest optical aid enables the eye to resolve it into an extensive
and magnificent mass of stars, with the most compressed part densely compacted and wedged
together under unknown laws of aggregation. In 1787, Sir W. Herschel pronounced it "a most
beautiful cluster of stars, exceedingly compressed in the middle, and very rich.'* In the Earl of
Rosse's telescope the components were more distinctly separated, and brighter, than had been
anticipated; and there were singular fringed appendages to the globular figure, branching out into
the surrounding so as to form distinct marks among the general outliers.

【日本語訳】 ヘルクレス座のM13

ヘルクレス座のζ 星とη星の間、ヘルクレスの臀部にある星の大集団、もっと正確に言えば球状の星



